Schoharie churches plan after-school program


Schoharie Presbyterian, Schoharie Lutheran, and Schoharie Reformed Churches, with support from Camp Fowler, completed another successful week of camp in July, surpassing previous years attendance records with close to 160 campers, ranging from ages pre-K to eighth grade.
Also this year, the camp received support from Youth Mission Workers from Michigan, who spent a week in Schoharie, serving as counselors.
This year's theme was "Treasure of the Heart" which combined a fun pirate theme with Christian teachings.
Due to the continued success of this program and to extend its reach beyond one week, the churches have developed a Christian after-school program to begin this September with the start of the school year.
The program has been designed to provide affordable and flexible after-school care for students between the ages of pre-K to sixth grade through a fun, safe, and academically enriching program.
The program, which will be held at the Schoharie United Presbyterian Church, seeks to meet the needs of all parents by offering flexible scheduling, allowing students to participate anywhere from one to five days a week, 2:30-5:30pm.
School bus transportation to the church has also been made available by Schoharie School.
Register now at or by calling the SUPC office at 295-8931.