Here we go: 2016 Stars nominations
12/27/2016 |
By now, Christmas has come and gone; Santa's gotten his gifts delivered and he's probably relaxing somewhere quiet and warm.
At the Times-Journal, though, we're still working on our list, finalizing the details on our pick for the 2016 T-J Star, our 25th.
We'll feature the '16 winner and detail the accomplishments of all of our nominees in our January 4, 2017 issue.
But until then, here's who's on the list, most multiple times.
Alyson Montione.
Cherie Stevens.
Tim Snyder.
Josh Kilmer-Purcell and Brent Ridge.
Tom Nigro.
Pat Costello.
Greg and Barbara Furlong.
Barbara DiCocco.
Alexis Ryder.
Blair Hartman.
Trista Bradt.
Emma Robert.
Robert Holt.
Vicki Hoerz.
Harvey Eaves.
Dave DeSando.
Janice Peters.
Rev. Brandan Eddy.