Good times in Jefferson this Saturday


Jefferson Heritage Day will be Saturday, July 8.
This free event brings folks of all ages from all over to enjoy a day and night in Jefferson at the Town Green (Rt. 10 to Main Street) with the antique Gazebo at its heart. Also marked as the weekend to schedule many family reunions, the planners for this year’s Heritage Day are confident that no one will be disappointed.
Heritage Day is chockful of performances, live music featuring the TLC Cloggers, Native American Dancers, Country Express, Patty & the Mygraines, wagon rides, food stands and crafters, games, birds and reptiles on display. The parade starts at 11am, live entertainment begins at 9:30am and continues throughout the day.
This year’s free activities include a petting zoo, chainsaw carving, treasure hunt game, wagon rides around the green, ChicChi the Clown, and many other surprises. Stay for the ‘kid friendly’ movie under the stars on the giant outdoor screen and dance and enjoy ‘CrossFire’ the feature band until 11pm.
The Jefferson Fire Department will be offering free fire truck rides and blood pressure screening.