Richmondville ready to move into new town hall
2/14/2018 |
By Jim Poole |
Richmondville’s town government will be in its new office by the end of the month.
The new town hall on Podpadic Road is nearly complete, according to Supervisor Dick Lape, and the move will come on February 26.
Town officials sought new quarters for years. Long in a Quonset hut in downtown Richmondville, the office was too small and lacked adequate space for record storage, Mr. Lape said.
The new building is next to the town highway barn.
The steel-frame hall has a courtroom, judge’s quarters and a room for attorneys on right. The courtroom can also be used as a meeting room and community room.
On the left side are the clerk’s office, records storage and an office for the assessor, codes officer and supervisor.
“We’ve been talking about this a long time,” Mr. Lape said. “People are excited about it.”
The 2,400-square-foot building cost $512,000. Richmondville received a $30,000 grant from the State Justice System for the judge’s quarters and a $75,000 grant through Senator Jim Seward’s office for blacktopping the driveway and parking lot.
The $512,000 cost doesn’t include the blacktopping.
EMS Construction was the general contractor for the new building.
A new communications, phone and internet system was installed by ICCI of Middleburgh, and the building has a security system from ADT.
Town employees did much of the site work to lower the cost, Mr. Lape said.
“They did a lot of the work on the parking lot, septic and more,” he added. “The highway crew was a big help. We owe thanks to all the employees.”
The town was leasing the Quonset hut, and the owner will sell it, Mr. Lape said.
The move on February 26 will temporarily change town office hours.
The town office will be closed on the 26th, and there will be limited services on the 27th and 28th. Also, the town court will be closed the week of the 26th.