2 or 3 running for Cobleskill mayor; 1 in Schoharie


By Patsy Nicosia and Jim Poole

While the election isn’t till November, two—or maybe three—candidates are running for mayor of Cobleskill.
Becky Stanton-Terk and Julie Cohn have both said they’re seeking Linda Holmes’ seat; after three terms as mayor, five as trustee, and 30 years on the Youth Commission, Mayor Holmes said she’s had enough.
“There are other things I want to focus on and I think it’s time to get younger people involved,” Mayor Holmes said.
“I’m thrilled that Becky and Julie are getting involved so early…and that they’re both women.”
Still on the fence about running is Jeff Tufano, who in a tongue-in-cheek letter to the editor in today’s Times-Journal, said he’s “officially a candidate. For Mayor. Mayor of Cobleskill’s Historic District…”
A local business owner, Mr. Tufano’s been a critic of what he sees as a lack of attention being paid to Main Street.
He’s still up in the air over whether he’ll run for the real job of village mayor; first, he said, he wants to meet Ms. Stanton-Terk and Ms. Cohn and find out what their goals and concerns are.
“Someone needs to step up,” he said.
Ms. Stanton-Terk, a local real estate agent, said she made her decision to run for mayor two years ago when she ran as village trustee.
“I wanted to get my feet wet and understand the position,” she said.”
Ms. Stanton-Terk’s trustee term will also be on the ballot and Mayor Holmes—who isn’t endorsing either candidate yet—said it’s just as important to fill that seat as it is hers.
Ms. Cohn is also a local business owner who said she’s concerned about quality of life and economic issues and wants to make sure the voices of both residents and business owners who don’t live in the village are heard.
“I’ve spent the past year talking to everyone,” she said, “and my strengths complement their concerns. My focus is on doing my best to help my community.”

Village of Schoharie voters will elect a new mayor, trustees and a justice in polling on Tuesday.
Trustee Larry Caza is the only candidate for mayor. He’ll replace John Borst, who is not seeking re-election.
Three candidates––Cody Robinson-Bullock, Peter Johnson and Sal Medak––are running for two trustee seats. Trustee Jay Baillett is not seeking re-election, and Mr. Caza is running for mayor.
Justice Frederick Kennedy Sr. is unopposed in his re-election bid.
The village is holding a meet the candidates night this Friday at the village hall, 6:30pm to 8pm.
The five other villages in Schoharie County either have no elections this year or will hold their elections in November.