Thursday last chance to weigh in on Sharon solar
10/14/2020 |
The state Siting Board will hold one final hearing on the proposed 50-megawatt East Point Energy Center solar project in the Town of Sharon this Thursday, October 15, at 1pm and again at 6pm.
The hearing will be virtual.
If you only want to listen, you don’t need to register.
To register and participate electronically, go to, click “Join” at the top right corner of the screen, enter the event number—173 998 0443 for the 1pm hearing and 173 343 1233 for the 6pm hearing—and provide the requested information.
To join the hearing, go to, click “Join” at the top right corner of the screen and enter the event number for the hearing.
Participants will be asked to “select audio system.” It is recommended that participants choose to have the system “call me” or “call using computer.” The “call me” option will require participants to enter their phone numbers.
To register to participate by phone, call 1 (800) 342-3330.
Follow the prompts to the appropriate hearing and provide the following information: first and last name, address, and phone number.
To join the hearing, call (518) 549-0500 and enter the access code: 173 998 0443 for 1pm and 173 343 1233 for 6pm.
All participants will be muted upon entry into the hearing. The examiners will call on each person who has registered to speak.
The hearing will continue until all those who registered to speak have done so or other arrangements have been made to include their comments in the record. Time limits for comments may be set to afford all registrants an opportunity to comment.
If needed, the passwords are Oct15-1pm for the 1pm hearing and Oct15-6pm for the 6pm hearing.
Lengthy comments should be summarized for oral presentation and then submitted in writing.
To listen to the hearing but not make a statement you do not need to register; call (518) 549-0500 and enter the above applicable access code.
You do not need to register to listen to the hearings by phone.
The hearings will also be livestreamed on the Department of Public Service’s YouTube channel.
To access the YouTube channel, visit and click on the YouTube icon at the bottom of the homepage.
The application can be reviewed online at To access documents, go to “Search,” type in the case number, and click “Search by Case Number.” The case number for the project is 17-F-0599.
Other ways to comment
There are also other ways to comment on the project; comments will be accepted until the proceeding has concluded, but they are requested by November 27.
Comments should refer to “Case 17-F-0599.”
Internet or mail: Visit, click on “Search” at the top of the page, enter the case number into the “Search by Case Number” field, then click on the “Post Comments” box at the top right of the page.
Comments can also be emailed, addressed to the Honorable Michelle L. Phillips, Secretary, at, or mailed to Secretary Phillips at the New York State Board on Electric Generation Siting and the Environment, Three Empire State Plaza, Albany, New York 12223-1350.
All written comments will become part of the record considered by the Siting Board and may be accessed on the Department of Public Service website by searching by the case number, as described above, and clicking on the “Public Comments” tab.
Finally, comments may be submitted by calling the Department of Public Service’s Opinion Line at 1 (800) 335-2120. This line is set up to receive in-state calls 24-hours a day. These calls are not transcribed but a summary is provided to the presiding Examiners, who will report to the Siting Board.