Does Denise Tracy know her Trivia or what?
7/21/2021 |
Denise Tracy knows her summertime trivia.
The Cobleskill resident was the winner of the Times-Journal’s July Trivia Mania, which centered on July 4 and the summer season.
Her entry slip was the first one drawn from the 44 entries in the July contest. Ms. Tracy will receive $50 from the Times-Journal and gift certificates from local businesses.
Judi Purcell of Cobleskill was second, and Joan Sondergaard of Richmondville was third. They’ll both receive gift certificates from local stores.
“Readers are having a great time with Trivia Mania,” said Times-Journal Sales Manager Bruce Tryon, who came up with the idea for the contest.
“And we’re having fun with it, too. It’s great to see the response.”
T-J Proofreader and Historian Pete Lindemann came up with the questions. Here they are, with the answers:
1. According to the old adage, what crop should be knee-high by the Fourth of July? Corn.
2. “Listen, my children,” wrote Longfellow, “and you shall hear, of the midnight ride of. . .” Who? Paul Revere.
3. Who signed the Declaration of Independence and Constitution and was the oldest signatory on both? Benjamin Franklin.
4. How many American flags are on the moon? Six.
5. The Statue of Liberty was a gift from the people of which country? France.
6. “As I went walking that ribbon of highway, I saw above me that endless skyway,” wrote what American singer-songwriter? Woody Guthrie.
7. Alaska and Hawaii were the 49th and 50th states admitted to the Union. What was the 48th? Arizona.
8. What musician played his now-famous version of The Star-Spangled Banner at a concert on August 18, 1969? Jimi Hendrix.
9. Which two US presidents died exactly 50 yers after the singing of the Declaration of Independence, on July 4, 1826? Thomas Jefferson and John Adams.
10. This question showed an image of a flag and asked, What is the name of this flag, associated with the Revolutionary War battle in Vermont? The Bennington Flag.
Sponsors for July Trivia Mania were The Gathering Place, Red Barn Clubhouse, Bank of Richmondville and Brick House Bakery.