Community Library gets another annex grant


By Jim Poole

With $1.6 million already in place to renovate its annex, The Community Library recently received another $500,000 grant.
The additional money pushes the project, which is in the early planning stage, a little further forward.
Library leaders have wanted to renovate the annex––the back half of the Union Street, Cobleskill building––into usable space for years.
The library announced receiving a $1.2 million grant in November, and with other funds, has enough money for the first-floor renovation: More room for staff, a community room, children’s and teens’ rooms and perhaps a room for the Cobleskill Historical Society.
The new $500,000, from State Parks and Recreation and Historical Preservation, will be another boost.
“A project that’s taken years to get done will go pretty quickly,” said Brendon Becker of Lamont Engineers, who’s been working with the library staff on the renovation.
What the $500,000 can be used for is still unclear, Librarian Kim Zimmer said in an email, though she agreed it will move the project forward swiftly.
“Right now we are focusing on getting the asbestos abatement underway so we can then begin the renovation,” Ms. Zimmer wrote.
Mr. Becker is working on getting bids out for the asbestos work.
Other major pieces of the project include a sprinkler system, heating, ventilation, air conditioning and improvements to doors, windows and flooring.
Plans for the renovation will be developed over the winter.
The library can apply for an additional library construction grant that would continue work on the first floor or advance to second story, Mr. Becker said.