Legion seeks high schoolers for Constitutional oratory


The Schoharie County American Legion, Legion Riders, and Ladies Auxiliary invite all Schoharie County high school and homeschooled students in grades 9-12 to participate in the 13th annual Schoharie County American Legion Oratorical Contest, which will take place on Saturday, December 10.
Students will be asked to prepare and present an 8-10 minute original oration, without notes or
amplification, based any aspect of the Constitution.
The awards offered at the county level will be $250 for first place, $175 for second place, $125 for third place and $75 for fourth, fifth, and sixth place.
The awards increase significantly, as the contestants advance in the competition.
The winner will also be eligible to compete at the Third District level
Tina Wellman, who chairs the Contest, is hoping to have contestants from all county schools. Homeschooled students are encouraged to apply as well.
For more information contact her at (518) 992-9594.