SMART breakfast to support first responders
3/2/2023 |
First responders face daily and long-term stress while serving their communities.
In response to the long-term effects of stress, members from Schoharie County’s first responder agencies have developed the Stress Management Assistance Response Team of Schoharie County (SMART).
SMART was developed and trained to effectively recognize and respond to first responders who are experiencing emotional or physical symptoms from direct or indirect exposure to acute or chronic high stress incidents.
SMART will respond by listening, referring and supporting those in need.
The team has received and continues to seek training to enhance peer support and assist in the well-being of first responders’ mental health.
SMART is comprised of Schoharie County first responders and clergy and is funded through donations from the public, businesses, and first responder organizations.
Members of SMART have attended and will continue to attend trainings developed by the International Critical Incident Stress Foundation, in courses such as assisting individuals in crisis, group crisis intervention, and advanced group crisis intervention.
In an effort to raise additional funds to pay for training and other items necessary to assist fellow first responders SMART will hold a by-donation pancake breakfast Saturday, March 11, 7-11 am at the Cobleskill Fire Department.
Anyone interesting in making a donation to the effort can mail a check to Catholic Charities, 489 West Main Street, Cobleskill NY 12043.
The check may be made out to Catholic Charities; note that it’s for SMART.
SMART is assisted by Catholic Charities, a 501c3 charity and donations are tax deductible.
Any money contributed will be directly used to assist first responders.
SMART is available to any first responders 24/7 at (518) 918-6844.
All calls are confidential, and no record of the call is kept.