Cobleskill welcomes Brian home


By Jim Poole

Cobleskill welcomes Brian home

“I will remember this day for all the days I have left.”
That’s what Brian Kaiser told more than 100 friends on hand to help him recover from a paralyzing accident.
Organized by Sterling Insurance and Cobleskill Partnership Inc., the event was not only a fundraiser but also a rally for moral support.
The crowd at Chieftans in Cobleskill on Thursday night was buoyant, and many attending were anxious to see Mr. Kaiser for the first time since his June accident.
Those present were there not only for support, but also to recognize Mr. Kaiser’s dedication to improving Cobleskill.
It was in Costa Rica that he knocked down by a strong wave in the surf and saved from drowning by a stranger.
But the accident left Mr. Kaiser paralyzed from the neck down. Following long rehab stints, Mr. Kaiser’s improved since then, though he still has a long way to go.
Jacqui Hauser, Mr. Kaiser’s wife, on Thursday night used photos to show his steady improvement.
And although his body suffered, Mr. Kaiser’s attitude didn’t.
“I didn’t know how it would be, seeing my friend so broken,” said Sterling’s Steve Harris. “His spirit was not broken.
“There was no bitterness, no self pity. I was inspired by his attitude.”
In a wheelchair but also standing with support from his wife and daughter, Mr. Kaiser visited with many Thursday night.
Both a little teary, Mr. Kaiser and his daughter Leah spoke to the crowd, saying they were heartened by the turnout and affection.
Later, Ms. Hauser agreed, adding that Mr. Kaiser is an out-patient at Magee Rehab Center in Philadelphia.
“It was a great time to do this,” she said. “He’s reached a nice level, transitioning from patient to person.”
Thursday’s event featured food and drink, two giant raffles and numerous others from businesses offering goods and services.
The fundraising goal was $10,000; the event raised more than $12,000, with all proceeds going to the Kaiser family for costs not covered by insurance.