Extension sets Dairy Days


Cornell Cooperative Extension’s Central NY Dairy, Livestock, and Field Crops Team has opened registration for its Corn Day and Dairy Day events.
At Corn Day in Cooperstown attendees will hear the latest updates on herbicide-resistant weeds in New York, identification and management of emerging diseases like tar spot, corn silage variety trial results, and an in-depth look at ongoing corn seed treatment research and seedcorn maggot risk.
There will also be a show and coffee hour, and a lunch buffet.
Dairy Day 2024 will be held in two locations this year, but the agendas will be the same.
This year’s speakers, Rick Grant and Ev Thomas, both recently retired from the Miner Institute, and have written for Hoard’s Dairyman and Progressive Dairy.
They often answer questions in Hoard’s “Questions from our Readers” section of dairy and crop production.
Both bring a lifetime of experience in research and the practical application of management decisions at Miner Institute.
Located in Chazy, The William H. Miner Agricultural Research Institute’s principal function is the economic improvement of agricultural operations through research, education, and demonstration.
Corn Day will be held on February 21 from 9:30am-2:30pm, at the Otesaga Resort Hotel, Cooperstown.
The Trade Show start at 9:30am and talks will begin at 10:30am.
Dairy Day will be held at the Otesaga on April 3 and at CCE Saratoga, 50 West High Street, Ballston Spa, April 4 from 10am-3pm.
To register and for more information, go to https://bit.ly/cnyaday24 or contact the CNYDLFC Program (cnydifc@ cornell.edu, (315)866-7920.
There is a charge to attend.