Seward supervisor seeks ARPA help for sewer $


By Patsy Nicosia

If Schoharie County uses the $275,000 that now remains in ARPA monies to help the Town of Seward cover the costs of nearly $1 million in sewer upgrades, well, Supervisor Earlin Rosa said it’s better than nothing.
What he’s really asking for: $400,000.
Mr. Rosa’s request is one of a handful that’s come in since May as the ARPA Committee works to make sure it doesn’t lose a dime of its $6 million.
Thursday, it “deobligated” about $250,000 from projects that are unlikely to move forward.
Left undecided—for now—was what to do with about $300,000 in ARPA interest: use it to fund additional ARPA projects or move it into the General Fund, where there would be fewer restrictions on its use.
Mr. Rosa made his case for $400,000—before leaving abruptly when supervisors began reviewing other projects.
“Imagine being one of those 39 lifelong residents, who’ve been paying taxes all their lives,” he said.
ARPA Committee co-chair Alicia Terry asked Mr. Rosa if he’d be willing to accept less than the asked-for $400,000, a figure that would also require most of the interest.
“I won’t be happy, but I’ll take it. I’d be a fool not to,” he answered.
They’ve submitted applications for a number of potential grants, he said, hoping to hear in December or January, but “The key word is potential. This is real money we’re requesting.”
Mr. Rosa left before the discussion returned to the “claw-back” of what remains unspent by the Greater Mohawk Valley Land Bank, which got another 30-day extension to get its tarps on the Adler. (See related story.)
“In my mind, the sewer project is one I think is paramount. It helps the most people,” said Cobleskill Supervisor Werner Hampel, suggesting the ARPA Committee award the Town Seward the $250,000 they’d just deobligated, $21,817.40 in unallocated ARPA funds, and $5,000 from a project that came in under-budget for a total of $275,000.
ARPA Committee members, however, tabled that thought, waiting to see what happens at the Adler.