Schoharie Comp Plan review Tuesday


A reminder that the Town and Village of Schoharie Comprehensive Plan Advisory Committee will hold a public hearing next Tuesday, February 25 at 6pm at the Schoharie Town/Village Hall, 300 Main Street, to hear comments on the updated draft Joint Comprehensive Plan.
All are encouraged to review the plan and offer comments to the committee.
To see the full plan visit either the Town of Schoharie website at or the Village of Schoharie Website at
The draft is also available at the town and village offices at 300 Main Street.
Written comments on the plan will be accepted through March 3 at PO Box 219, Schoharie, NY or
Residents, business owners, and landowners are encouraged to review the plan and then attend Tuesday’s meeting.
The plan needs to be approved by both the Town and Village Boards; they’ll hold their own public hearing on March 12.
Following that, the process will include SEQR review and review by the County Planning Commission before adoption by resolution..