Remembering on Memorial Day...
5/21/2008 |
Communities around the Times-Journal area will honor fallen veterans with Memorial Day observances this week.
Schoharie will have a parade this Thursday that lines up at 6pm at Depot Lane and marches down Main Street at 6pm. County Treasurer will be the speaker at Veterans’ Park after the parade.
Cobleskill will have a service in Centre Park Monday at 11am, hosted by AMVETS.
Sharon Springs plans an 11am parade on Monday. Services on the school lawn will include a brief ceremony about the proposed veterans’ monument. A Brooks chicken barbecue will follow at the school.
Middleburgh will have its traditional Rotary Club Memorial Day observance in Memorial Park at 10am Monday. The speaker will be Gary Schacher of Cobleskill. The rain location will be the Methodist Church Hall on Main Street.
Esperance will have a parade march at 1:30 Monday to the cemetery, where there will be services. The United Methodist Church will have a luncheon on Monday, 11-2.
Worcester’s parade will form at the school at 9:30am on Monday and march to the Maple Grove Cemetery for services, then regroup and march to the memorial by the bank for another service. The Worcester Methodist Church will be selling Brooks barbecue chicken at 11am.
Cherry Valley will have a Brooks chicken barbecue at the I.O.O.F Hall, 11-3 on Monday.
The Richmondville American Legion will meet in the Methodist Chruch Hall at 10:30am May 30 for a pot-luck luncheon.