Hannaford plans store in Duanesburg
12/22/2008 |
Hannaford Supermarkets has announced that it has met with local officials in Duanesburg to discuss plans to build a 35,000-square-foot store in Duanesburg.
The store – which would be the company’s 45th in New York – is proposed for the corner of Routes 20 and 30, also known as the intersection of Duanesburg-Esperance Road and Bramans Corners Road.
“We look forward to offering people throughout the region a variety of fresh, high-quality foods at great value,” said Michael Norton, Hannaford spokesman.
The Duanesburg Hannaford would employ approximately 100 full- and part-time associates. It will offer a full-service pharmacy – including a drive-through – plus a butcher shop, produce and seafood departments, a bakery and deli, and a large selection of natural and organic foods.
Hannaford, which met with Duanesburg planning officials December 18, hopes to break ground on the project in 2009, with construction scheduled to take nine months. The developers are Bill Feinstein and Chris Schneck of Ventura-Duanesburg LLC.