30 in running for 2008 T-J Star.


With Santa back at the North Pole taking a well-deserved breather, our work on the 2008 Times-Journal Star is just kicking into high gear.
A list of this year’s nominees follows. All come with great qualifications, but just one can be that Star.
We’ll be naming that person in next week’s Times-Journal.
Until then, here’s who’s in the running.
--Dennis Tilison “who still has time to help anyone and everyone” despite his many jobs and volunteer activities.
--Bernadetta Vroman for working quietly behind the scenes on everything from the Sharon Historical Society to the Slate Hill Cemetery Association.
--Theresa Borst for her dedication to her job as a Schoharie County child protective caseworker and the difference she has made in children’s lives.
--Dave Laraway the Northeast Gardener, for his support of gardening and the community.
--Melissa Althiser for her work at the Animal Shelter of the Schoharie Valley.
--Linda Karker for keeping her husband, Rolph’s, dream alive with The Rolphie Fund and her own longtime work with Make a Child’s Christmas Wish Come True.
--Linda, Justin, and Sarah Karker for their generous work with The Rolphie Fund.
--Steve Ackerknecht for finding ways to increase SUNY Cobleskill’s involvement in the downtown community.
--SUNY Cobleskill for opening Coby’s on Main Street and adding Coby Cash to encourage students to do more business downtown.
--Carol Coltrain, a lifelong advocate for senior citizens.
--Anne Myers for her dedication to the community and SUNY Cobleskill and for forging a better bridge between campus and community.
--Rebecca Butler for her community work.
--Rev. Judson Marvel, the children’s favorite at the Lawyersville and Sharon Reformed Churches.
--Cherie Stevens for her work with Marathon For a Better Life.
--Kim and Reggie Harris for their contributions in music and to the community.
 --Araxi Dutton for her community contributions.
--Harold Zoch for his work in Schoharie County history.
--Jean Cain for her work with the Middleburgh Youth Commission.
--Bob LaPietra for not giving up in his battle to fix what’s wrong with Cobleskill.
--Cobleskill Mayor Mike Sellers for growing on the job “a job so tough that no one else really wants it.”
--William Terry, “who reached so many people in his short 14 years.”
--Organizers of the Calling All Women Conference: Jan Gile, Bonnie Squardere, Jennifer Regelski, Cheri Stevens, Mary Irving, and Barbara Rivenburgh.
--Cappy Santos, a member of Scho-Wright for 35 years and active member of the Schoharie Kiwanis.
--Fred Breglia for making his community a more attractive, greener place to live.
--Dr. Chester Burton for caring deeply about all his patients.
--Assemblyman Pete Lopez for always looking out for the little guy.
--Christine Dickerson for working to turn the Community Library into the showplace it’s become.
--Sandy Hardendorf, whose leadership has helped improve the quality of life for many in Schoharie County.”