Lots of hands needed for dissolution study
2/11/2009 |
By Patsy Nicosia |
The Village of Cobleskill is trying to figure out the best way to study its own dissolution.
It was in December that in a 3-2 vote, trustees and Mayor Mike Sellers agreed to put together a committee to look at dissolution.
Under state law, a year-long study is required before the issue’s put before voters—who would have the final say.
Trustees Mark Galasso and Linda Holmes have been working on the idea and last Tuesday brought the rest of the village up to speed.
Ms. Holmes said she’s just getting to the point where she’s begun putting together a list of names of people who might serve on the required committee.
Mr. Galasso said he’s been working on ways to keep the whole project from becoming overwhelming.
He argued that it makes the most sense to look at things on a department by department basis since costs, impacts, and solutions may vary for each of them.
With that in mind, Mr. Galasso is suggesting a task force of four to five people for each of the departments—though something like water and sewer could probably be combined—with one representative from each group sitting on an overall committee.
Other trustees pointed out the need for an odd number of people in each task force as well as having diverse representation—some for, some against dissolution—in each group.
State regulations may also require that some of the members come from outside the village.
It’s likely the study could involve as many as 15-20 people meeting weekly for months.
Mr. Galasso and Ms. Holmes will now begin looking for volunteers.