Planning Office offers training sessions


Schoharie County Planning and Development is sponsoring several training sessions for local officials.
• “Locally Unwanted Land Uses; Ethical Standards for Planning and Zoning Boards”
The same training offered in two locations: Thursday, November 12 - Cobleskill-Richmondville High School auditorium and Monday, November 23, - Gilboa-Conesville Central School auditorium, 6:30–8:30pm.
Locally Unwanted Land Uses—A Department of State video gives a quick survey of unpopular land uses and the extent to which local governments may regulate them.
Among the topics addressed are: Mining, day care, group homes, big box retail, adult uses, religious uses, telecommunications facilities, mobile homes, and billboards.
Ethical Standards for Planning and Zoning Boards—A Department of State video discusses that public interest requires that municipal officers be of good moral character and integrity.
Municipal officers should be protected from unwarranted assault on their integrity. This presentation will help members of planning boards and zoning boards of appeals determine if a conflict of interest exists in certain municipal transactions.
Discussion topics will include Article 18 of the General Municipal Law and its disclosure requirements, common law conflicts and the legal repercussions that follow.
•Schoharie County Planning Agency Winter Training
Thursday, December 3, at Middleburgh High School auditorium, 6:30 – 8:30pm.
Federal Wetlands Delineation and Permitting (presented by Brad Sherwood, US Army Corps of Engineers).
Stream Dynamics and Floodplain Management (presented by Pete Nichols, Schoharie County Soil and Water Conservation District).
Quick update on miscellaneous information (e.g. SEQRA, County Planning Commission) by the Schoharie County Planning staff.
To register, call Schoharie County Planning at 234-3751.