T-J now on Facebook


Usually, we like to think we know what we’re doing at the Times-Journal.
And almost never, with the exception of editorials and columns, do we write in the first person.
Which helps to explain why we’ve waited a while to go public with the fact that the Times-Journal is now on Facebook.
If you’re on Facebook yourself, that’s probably all the introduction you need and you may have already become our “fan.”
If you’re not, Facebook is a free, online site, www.facebook.com, where anyone with an email address can open up an account and then start “talking” to people—friends--who are already on Facebook.
Businesses like the Times-Journal can also create fan pages on Facebook, and so far, we’ve been using ours to try a little bit of everything:
Asking questions, posting photos and notes on just-breaking news stories, and letting readers know what events we’re covering.
We might be on the right track—at last count 292 people have “fanned” us and we love the feedback we’ve gotten; we want more of both.
To be honest, we’re not sure where this is going, but since we’re in the business of sharing information and because our website edition, timesjournalonline.com, has become so popular, we thought we’d give it a try.
We want to hear from you, in all of the old ways—like letters and phone calls—but share your thoughts and concerns with us on Facebook too.
And if you really know what you’re doing there, let us know that too; we may be coming to you for help.
You can find us on Facebook by going to our website and clicking on the Facebook button there.
Or you can go straight to Facebook and type “Times-Journal” into “search.”
We’re not the Times-Journal with the baby in the profile photo—that’s another Times-Journal in Franklin, Georgia--we’re the T-J with the bound volumes of the Cobleskill Times in the photo.
Fan us.