Cobleskill's Rite Aid moves ahead


By Patsy Nicosia

Work on Cobleskill’s newest drug store is projected to start in November.
While construction on the Main Street CVS continues at the old Century 21 site, project developers for the Rite Aid proposed for across the street have been meeting with the Planning Board on their plans.
The proposed project by Newland Development calls for a 14,673 square-foot Rite Aid pharmacy on a two-acre site.
Four homes, starting with the Victorian-style former Bellinger home, would be taken down and a longtime “paper” road linking Campus and Legion Drives between the new building and the Eagles Aerie would finally be built.
Both the Eagles’ building and Countryman Auto, on the corner of Main Street and Legion, would remain, said Village Codes Enforcement Officer Mike Piccolo.
Previous plans for a Rite Aid on the site would have involved taking down both those buildings.
What’s proposed is approximately the same size as the CVS going up across the street, because it would be built perpendicular to Main Street, it will appear smaller, Mr. Piccolo said; the building will include numerous gables and façade breaks to make it more attractice.
According to information presented to planners by the project developers, the Main Street entrance will be right-in, right-out only; access at the rear would be on the new road.
The projected date for beginning construction is this November.
As presented, the project needs variances for a curb cut, parking, the placement of a dumpster, a drive-thru window for the pharmacy, setback, six percent less green space than required, and signage.
Mr. Piccolo said he doesn’t expect developers to have problems getting the variances, largely because similar variances have already been granted to CVS.
The store is expected to employ about 24 people.
Mr. Piccolo said Rite Aid typically doesn’t own the buildings it occupies and that will be the case here, with the existing store likely moving into the new building and the existing Rite Aid store rented to a different tenant.
Newland Development principal Ken Linseman, a former star in the National Hockey League.
Mr. Linseman started his career with the Philadelphia Flyers in the late 1970s, where he became a leading scorer.
He later played for the Edmonton Oilers, where Mr. Linseman helped the team win the Stanley Cup in 1984.
He spent five years with the Boston Bruins, a partial season with the Flyers, one more with the Oilers and finally, the Maple Leafs in 1991-92.