Warnerville Cutoff open--for now
9/8/2010 |
By Jim Poole |
Closed over the holiday weekend, the Warnerville Cutoff was slated to reopen yesterday afternoon.
The Schoharie County Department of Public Works closed the road Friday after a state inspection showed one of the bridges to be in disrepair.
The lower bridge, by the Warnerville Post Office, showed deterioration in the steel truss, according to DPW Commissioner Tom Fagnani.
However, tests by a consulting engineer indicated the bridge could be reopened but at a lower weight limit, Mr. Fagnani said.
The bridge was posted at 15 tons; the limit is now five tons.
“Based on the engineer’s analysis, it’s acceptable to reopen the bridge that way,” Mr. Fagnani said Tuesday morning.
Assuming DPW could get the lower weight-limit signs in place, he expected the bridge to reopen Tuesday afternoon.
The deteriorating truss is the reason the lower bridge is to be replaced, as is the other bridge further north on the road.
When both will be replaced is still open to question, Mr. Fagnani said.
The state must give the county permission to bid the work. Once the county awards the bid, county DPW will meet with the contractor.
“Then we’ll know what we’re dealing with,” Mr. Fagnani said.
He expected one contractor to replace both bridges. The work may be done this fall or next spring.
If the Cutoff bridges are done next spring, the project will coincide with the state’s replacement of the Route 7 bridge near Stewart’s.
Because the Cutoff was to be a detour during the Route 7 project, Cobleskill village and business leaders hope the Cutoff bridges will be replaced this fall.