We need your help picking 2011 TJ Star


By Patsy Nicosia

Today kicks off the 20th search for the Times-Journal Star.
And like Santa, we already have quite a list of Star-worthy possibilities, "thanks" largely to Hurricane Irene-though that's not necessarily a requirement for the 2011 Star.
The 2011 Times-Journal Star will be someone who's influenced the community in a positive way over the past year, but not necessarily as part of their job.
We'll accept nominations until Friday, December 23 and they can be made in several ways.
•Email tjournalnews@yahoo.com and put "TJ Star" in the subject line.
• Call us, 234-2515.
• Fax us, 234-7898.
• Mail us, PO Box 339, Cobleskill, NY 12043.
We can't accept nominations on our Facebook page, but readers are welcome to discuss their "picks" there.
Nominations should include the name of the person being nominated and the reason why he deserves to be the 2011 Star.
We also need the name of the person doing the nominating and their contact information in case we need more information.
The '11 winner will join an impressive list of luminaries:
2010-Maggie Jackman Pryor.
2009-John Radliff.
2008-Carol Coltrain.
2007-Eric Stein.
2006-Lester Hendrix.
2005-Mark Eamer.
2004-Jacqui Hauser and Brian Kaiser.
2003-Frances Tripp.
2002-Richard Ball.
2001-Ray Richards.
2000-Sonny Ochs.
1999-Bob Herodes.
1998-Kevin Neary.
1997-Bud Gunzinger.
1996-John Sagendorf.
1995-Harold Vroman.
1994-Adele Hayes.
1993-Bill Averill.
1992-John Elkan.