Irene dominates 2011 Star nominations
12/27/2011 |
As expected, Hurricane Irene dominates nominations for this year's Times-Journal Star.
No, the storm herself isn't in the running for the 2011 honor, but nearly every name we received is somehow connected with Irene recovery.
A handful of people were nominated on their own and then again as part of organizations like Schoharie Recovery.
Here they all are.
Next week we'll tell you the reasons behind the nominations.
•Schoharie Recovery.
•Sherri Meyer-Veen Schoharie.
• Sarah Goodrich, Schoharie.
• John Poorman, Schoharie.
• Pastors Michael and Sherri Meyer-Veen, Schoharie.
• Emily Mobley, Schoharie.
• Karen Olewnick, Schoharie.
• Diane Enders, Schoharie.
• Darlene Patterson, Schoharie.
• Jeff Van Deusen, Cobleskill.
• Bill Goblet and Jim Mclean, Gallupville
• Cherie Stevens, Cobleskill.
• Tracey Purcell, Cobleskill.
• Joshua DeBartolo, Middleburgh
•Andrea Levendusky and Jessica Kirby.
• Carol Coltrain, Middlegurgh.
• Dennis Richards, Middleburgh.
• Joel Bramer.
• Bob Roney, Middleburgh.
• Louise Maher-Johnson, Cobleskill.
• All the volunteers who stepped up after Hurricane Irene.
• Janis Bassett, Schoharie.
• Sue Bortell, Carlisle.
• Sue Bortell and Debi Christman, Carlisle.
• Pete Lopez, Schoharie.
• Richie Rich, Cobleskill.
• Gloria Gebhard, Middleburgh.
• Patrick Costello and members of Our Lady of the Valley, Middleburgh.
• Heidi Brinkman, Cobleskill.
• Lynn Macan, Cobleskill.
• Dam Concerned Citizens.