Here they are: 2013 T-J Star nominations


Santa's been checking his list and so have we.
But we've been checking ours looking for the 2013 Times-Journal Star.
The long-running award honors someone who goes above and beyond for his-or her-community; the '13 winner will be profiled in the first T-J of 2014.
"We're always amazed by the number of nominations we receive and by the caliber of the people nominated," said T-J Editor Patsy Nicosia, who coordinates the contest.
"It's a nice little Christmas present for us. It makes us realize how fortunate we are to be living and working in a place where so many people give back so much."
The nominees for this year's award follow. Many received multiple nominations.
_ Bill Morton.
_ Bill and Bonnie Morton.
_ Earl Gaskill.
_ Patricia Broncaforte.
_ Judy MacLaughlin.
_ Florita Winegard.
_ Cherie Stevens.
_ Nancy Brumaghim.
_ Mary Sagendorf.
_ Darlene Patterson.
_ Michael Lent.
_ Coleen DeLorenzo.
_ Dave Laraway.
_ The late Smiley Thorington.
_ The citizens of Schoharie County.
_ Jim Poole.
_ Josh DeBartolo.
_ Sharon Aitchison, Ginny Schaum and Betty Pilsbury.
_ Anne and Pat Donnelly.
_ Janet Putnam.
_ Renee Grabowski and Don Airey.
-- Fred and Dawn Benninger
_ Mary Lou Garrett.
_ Janet Nelson.