DOT to narrow Route 20, Carlisle
4/8/2014 |
By Patsy Nicosia |
A $1.2 million State Department of Transportation project resurfacing Route 20 eastbound between Sharon and Sloansville this summer will also narrow the state highway to two lanes through the hamlet of Carlisle.
The state will reduce Route 20 to two lanes and a turning lane; a larger shoulder will help accommodate tractor traffic, DOT's Robert Richter told the Town of Carlisle Wednesday.
Supervisor Larry Bradt said the town had asked for the change on behalf of residents who were concerned about the traffic-and the speed of it-along Route 20.
"It's a safety issue," Mr. Bradt said.
Carlisle had also asked DOT to reduce the speed limit through the hamlet, but Mr. Richter said it would be best to make the changes and then ask again for that change.
"They'll come out here and look at what traffic's actually doing," he explained.
The lane reductions will be done between Evergreen and Lykers Roads and will in themselves be considered traffic-calming, he said.