Saturday, show Cobleskill library some love
2/16/2016 |
It's Love Your Library Month.
Come in out of the cold this Saturday, February 20, at 11am, and show your love by joining the Friends of the Community Library for their annual meeting.
All current members are invited, and the officers especially encourage new members or anyone interested in finding out more about the Friends to attend.
The annual meeting provides an opportunity to thank all the Friends for their continued support and generosity.
Those attending will get a chance to learn about last year's accomplishments, renew their memberships, elect officers for the upcoming year, and offer ideas and suggestions for 2016.
Also of note, the Friends will be suspending their ongoing used book sale after the meeting, and will instead hold book sale events during the year.
The next book sale event is planned for the day of the basket raffle in the fall.
All library patrons are encouraged to shop the book sale this week.
The Friends of the Community Library is an organization of volunteers, separate from the library and the library board.
Money raised by the Friends is used to support a variety of well-received programs at the library and to pay for a number of needed items large and small.
The Community Library, on Union Street in the Village of Cobleskill, serves all the residents of the Cobleskill-Richmondville School District. The meeting will be held downstairs in the program room of the library.
For more information, contact the library at 234-7897.