Hundreds Run 4 Hills in Sharon Springs fun
5/11/2016 |
By Patsy Nicosia |
The 3rd annual Sharon Springs Run 4 the Hills raised a record amount for the Sharon Springs Rescue Squad and Hero Fund America Saturday as more than 150 runners and walkers took to the hilly course for a good cause.
And oh yeah, the party at the end.
Mark Stephenson won the day with a 25:13 time and Amanda Collins was the first woman back in 33:09.
The winners won a pair of New Balance sneakers donated by Sharon Springs native Kevin Mallery and, his name drawn at random, Andrew Meka also won a pair.
All participants received a commemorative key chain and post-race festivities followed the event behind the American Hotel.
A full page of race photos is in our print edition.
Name/bib/finish : Aery, Carl 1 30:46:00 Aery, Jon 167 33:09:00 Atkinson, Jean 2 46:10:00 Bade, Renee 154 39:12:00 Bannister, Randy 3 Becker, Michele 4 44:12:00 Blanchard, Maureen 5 48:24:00 Brandel, Beth 6 61:43:00 Brandel, Lanny 7 59:37:00 Brown, Daniel 8 41:01:00 Brown, Debra 9 51:13:00 Calogero, Michael 10 Carruci, Anthony 169 38:59:00 Cechnicki, Brian 11 44:09:00 Choi, Junhyeok 179 36:47:00 Cirillo, Paul 12 Clayburn, Ashley 183 41:52:00 Colletti, Nicole 156 59:12:00.
Collins, Amanda 13 33:09:00 Conley, Chris 153 51:32:00 Cormier-Burke, Michael 14 Coyne, Tom 15 41:40:00 Curran, Michelle 16 75:12:00 DeSormeau, Abigail 184 43:02:00 Dewald, John 164 43:37:00 DiPippo, Chad 17 72:42:00 DiPippo, Megann 18 73:30:00 Dopp, Kathy 19 49:58:00 DuFault, Rachel 20 63:44:00 Dufresne, Chuck 21 33:25:00 Dvorscak, Jess 22 42:52:00 Eastman, Christopher 23 34:55:00 Fioretti, Erin 24 64:12:00 Fioretti, Tim 25 33:53:00 Frazier, Susan 26 Gerhardt, Marie 27 Gillanders, Scott 28 57:24:00 Glass, Dave 29 31:21:00 Goldfarb, Glenn 30 Gomez, David 31 75:14:00 Gomez, Diane 32 75:10:00 Gomez, Julia 33 75:22:00 Gomez, Victoria 34 69:05:00 Goss, JB 35 51:01:00 Goss, Joey 162 36:21:00.
Grant, Connie 36 44:31:00 Grimm, Raelee 37 38:22:00 Hampel, Joan 38 49:22:00 Hanes, Carol 39 59:06:00 Hansen, Heidi 40 48:05:00 Hara, Mitch 157 54:34:00 Hay, Ann 41 36:35:00 Heiser, Matthew 42 31:53:00 Heiser, Meagan 43 35:00:00 Hitchcock, Joanne 44 Hitt, Kevin 177 42:56:00 Hitt, Suzanne 176 42:39:00 Hobaica, Peter W 45 41:40:00 Holmes, Linda 46 54:02:00 Hotaling, Linda 47 54:39:00 Hotaling, Thomas 48 54:40:00 Hotaling, Tiffany 49 57:35:00 Howell, Katherine 50 Hull, Jean 173 48:18:00 James, Jessica 51 41:07:00 Jennings, Wayne 52 31:18:00 Jerin, Richard 165 30:15:00 Jetton, Austin 53 Johnstone, Alexander 54 75:13:00 Johnstone, Patricia 55 75:11:00 Jones, CJ 56 52:57:00 Jones, Melissa 57 49:48:00 Jonker, Matthew 58 85:24:00 Keaney, Michelle 59 51:18:00 Keller, Cheryl 181 53:10:00 Kelly, Denise 60 70:57:00 Kim, John 180 38:35:00 Klinker, Tylan 161 50:50:00 Korona, Randi 171 36:35:00 Ladd, Evan 61 43:35:00 Lamphere, Dale 62 39:13:00 Lamphere, Ranella 63 43:11:00 Laney, Lori 64 67:07:00 Lauritsun, Liza 175 34:57:00 Lavery, Jay 160 47:31:00 Law, Tonja 65 42:52:00 Layne, Christina 66 36:03:00 Leonardi, Joshua 67 69:10:00 Leonardi, Rachel 68 74:27:00.
Livingston, Kelly 170 48:00:00 Mallery, Kevin 174 35:43:00 Manley, Christopher 69 37:12:00 Mara, Michelle 70 37:06:00 McAllister, Michael 71 54:17:00 Meka, Andrew 72 34:41:00 Meka, Drew 73 33:50:00 Meka, Heidi 74 Merrick, Curt 75 76:46:00 Miller, Rich 76 31:58:00 Misiph, Denise 77 48:46:00 Mohr, Christine 78 48:06:00 Mohr, Erica 79 60:38:00 Mohr, Heather 80 58:35:00 Myers, John 81 56:36:00 Naylor, Frank 82 Naylor, Kelly 83 Nicholas, Tessa 159 58:35:00 Oster, Lisa 84 81:25:00 Pahls, Janice 85 75:27:00 Pappas, Kendal 86 42:31:00 PARKER, ERIC 87 38:31:00 Parsons, Helen 88 75:28:00 Peck, Maureen 89 59:06:00 Piercy, Laura 90 58:39:00 Piercy, Sam 91 58:59:00 Potter, Amy 92 48:25:00 Quillan, Debra 163 44:02:00 Radliff, Kelsey 93 35:49:00.
Ramsey, Wally 94 60:29:00 Raymond, Heather 95 35:02:00 Regelski-Rotman, Jennifer 96 45:23:00 reynolds, colin 97 35:11:00 Rickard, Laura 98 38:24:00 Roberson, Tamara 99 Roberson, Tiffany 100 Roberts, Christina 101 66:59:00 Roberts, Colin 102 40:40:00 Roberts, John 103 81:25:00 Roberts, Kate 104 81:20:00 Roberts, Mary 105 67:00:00 Roche, Robert 106 Roy, David 185 28:50:00 Ryan, Marla 158 54:24:00 Sala, Christi 107 34:58:00 Schaffer, Ambrose 108 Schaffer, Leah 109 36:24:00 Scheffler, Connor 110 Schilde, Bonnie 111 50:50:00 Schnell-Leonardi, Linda 112 74:35:00 Schuerzinger, John 113 33:37:00 Shaw, Ayiana 166 42:58:00 Shepard, Timothy 114 35:39:00 Skalski, Devin 115 Slater, Tina 116 Smith, Alison 117 48:21:00 Smith, Denise 118 37:18:00 Smith, Jeanine 119 Smith, Jillian 120 37:16:00 Smith, Jim 121 35:05:00 Spritzer, Maxwell 122 44:27:00 Spritzer, Sarah 123 48:25:00.
Stein, Marilyn 124 54:33:00 Stephenson, Mark 125 25:13:00 Stevens, Sharon 126 69:09:00 Strasser, Stephen 178 34:48:00 Szabo, Chris 127 39:18:00 Thalblum, Stuart 128 58:31:00 Thurley, Stephanie 129 49:45:00 Tichy, Bessie 155 72:19:00 Todd, Halia 130 Todd, Jeneen 131 Trapani, Joe 132 70:58:00 Urrey, Carl 133 33:20:00 Van Buren, Joan 134 74:26:00 Van Deusen, Laurie 135 74:35:00 Van Deusen, Laurie 136 Vanarsdal, Fred 137 85:25:00 VanDerkrake, Anna 138 VanDerwerken, Anna 139 Vosburgh, George 140 39:57:00 Vosburgh, Trish 141 39:59:00 Walters, Laura 142 41:53:00 Weber, Chrissy 182 59:11:00 Welker, Andrea 168 85:23:00 Whitman, Beth 143 75:07:00 Wilday, Sheila 144 38:33:00 Wilkinson, Tara 145 39:19:00 Williams, Barbara 146 59:19:00 Williams, Rhys 147 59:13:00 Willman, John 148 44:02:00 Wolff, Joseph 149 76:47:00 Wolff, Lisa 150 81:07:00 Zappia, Graig 151 48:46:00 Zelezny, Greg 152 39:12:00 Ziko, Mary 172 54:14:00