January 2023
- McAllister sworn in as Schoharie County judge 1/5/2023
- Nat'l recognition for C-R teacher 1/5/2023
- Supervisors vote no to revote on Gildemeister 1/5/2023
- Enough T-J Star nominations to fill the sky 1/5/2023
- It's Kim: Our 2022 T-J Star 1/5/2023
- Literacy's SCRABBLE is back 1/12/2023
- Talks between cops, Cobleskill at standstill 1/12/2023
- Deputies find drugs, buried money 1/12/2023
- Opponents: Carlisle solar is not inevitable 1/12/2023
- Warnerville warming station can reopen 1/12/2023
- Schoharie gets update on travel plaza; water worries neighbors 1/19/2023
- Dozens turn out to support Cobleskill PD, salaries, share night shift concerns 1/19/2023
- Rural Vitality names next class of entrepreneurs 1/19/2023
- 2 arrested for breaking into 91 storage units 1/19/2023
- IDA, SEEC: shared position only way forward 1/19/2023
- State says Gildemeister stays 1/26/2023
- Big or small, county needs recovery housing 1/26/2023
- Community will decide on new SCS mascot 1/26/2023
- Hey sweetie, get your Valentine's entries in 1/26/2023
- Now it's Seward turn for solar questions 1/26/2023